Take the case of a certain university professor. He asked me to edit the personal statement for his tenure application. The stakes? For him, professional life or death: tenure or denial of tenure. I edited his application, he got tenure, and I came away with this story.

Turning out an impeccable piece of writing was important to the above mentioned professor. If it's important to you too, please get in touch with us. We've edited more than 10 scientific manuscripts that have gone on to be published in peer-reviewed journals. We've edited and written news copy for student and community newspapers. We've edited personal statements for college applicants who have gone on to study at their first-choice universities.

To get the ball rolling, chosen online essay writer will edit a portion of your text so that you can evaluate the quality of our work, and so that we can determine an appropriate quote for you. We offer a free initial 10 minute phone consultation, or, if preferred, we can communicate via email or Skype. 

These are the types of texts we specialize in:

  • Professional correspondence
  • Scholarly manuscripts
  • Marketing materials
  • Personal statements
  • Grant applications
  • Resumes
  • Essays
  • News copy